Here they are!
- Janet Rothstein, Owner of Rothstein Jewelers in Beverly Hills, CA.

- Deb Robinson, Owner of The Teeny Tiny Farms in Smithfield, VA.

- Jason Stevens, Owner of Fan Man Lighting in Burnsville, MN.

Thanks a lot! We look forward to your continued contributions in making MerchantCircle the best site for local businesses and consumers on the web.
If you would like to be a forum moderator, please start contributing in our Forums and your peers will pick you out before long. You'll get a number of perks including free MerchantCircle Verified, free Local Plus, as well as links from our forum, blogs, and newsletters, amongst others.
Community Relations
Thanks for the notice of me and our store (Rothstein Jewelers of Beverly Hills). I enjoy helping people with their MerchantCircle pages.
ReplyDeleteI am honored to be joining the other moderators.
I too am glad to see new mods, especially when they answer back and really assist us in making our merchant sites better.
ReplyDeleteThanks to you and the great job you're doing.
Also, are we going connect with Facebook and other social sites to let them know about us here in the Merchant Circle?